Welcome to the Revival Podcast with Steve Uppal.
I am so excited to be joined by a whole host of guests on this journey with me as we engage in candid conversations around the subject of revival.
Here you can view the archive for the first series of the podcast, each podcast will air with show notes, to see these click on the episode below to be directed to the page.
I had such a powerful and fruitful time filming this first series - stay tuned as further updates will be released on series two in the near future!

Revival: The Apostolic & Prophetic

Revival: Prayer, Fasting & Turning Nations

Revival Visitation: Here Are The Keys!

Lessons From Living Through Revival

Revival: Living Through Multiple Moves

Revival Visitation: The Horse With No Name

Revival Podcast: Transforming Revival

Revival Podcast: What is God Saying and Doing

Revival Podcast: Revival History and God’s Generals

Revival Podcast: Revival Mission and the Poor

Revival Podcast: Revival Prayer

Revival Podcast: Revival Is Coming